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M79, M203, and M320 Gordon L. Rottman combat in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic taught valuable lessons that had never reached the training manuals. 40 mm x 46 mm. 5 lbs., 7 lbs. (w/stock). 11.18 in. Distributed by: Army Training Support Center TM 3-22.31, 40-mm Grenade Launchers, November 2010. Conditions: On a record fire range, given a weapon, 9 timed target exposures at ranges from 100 to 400 meters and 18 rounds of 40 mm TPT ammunition.. Standards: 137 M72A2 Light Antitank Weapon (LAW); M202 Rocket Launcher . 144 M203 and M320 Grenade Launcher . 183 Physical Readiness Training .FIELD MANUAL NO. 3-22.31. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHER, M203 Section I. Preliminary Marksmanship Training. SOLDIERS RECEIVE New GRENADE LAUNCHER Soldie WEEK oldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division received the first of the Army's new 40mm M320 Grenade Launcher ( GL )
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